the best Pico Day this year!!!!!!!!!!
the best Pico Day this year!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe....I don't think so.
This is cool, I've waited a long time for this to comme out! And it was worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. . .
The best falsh film I have ever seen!!!!!!
Ever Thought of making a sequel of what happens when flash is save? Or would that be too boring?
It was good but it could have been a little bit longer.
shutup bitch
that was funny you should make lots more!!!
that was funny, pointless, realy realy pointless, but still funny 5/5
i realy liked this movie but you should of had heavy metal or something for background music instead of classical, still 5/5
yea in slugs 3 i will have HEAVY METAL or rock or...something, nice review
that was the best joe zombie yet!! when are you making episode 7?! it will be awesome!!!
realy good animation, kinda wierd though, u should make more like it unless u already have like, but the end spoilt it a bit still realy awesome though!
i got the user name "Pilp" from one of the girls in my class who was trying to insult me by writing "Philip is stupid" on the white board, but she wrote "Pilp is stiupid" by mistake and i thought "Pilp" was cool to have as a name.
Joined on 9/10/07