Haha I love this! I can't wait for the full version!!!
Haha I love this! I can't wait for the full version!!!
Very good game. My only criticism is that its really annoying when you're trying to use the lead pipe and it automatically picks up guns!!!
The art in this was absolutely stunning! I know it was more of an artistic type of game, but you should have made it longer. And more things to interact with, that amused me x]
Great game! Keep it up, PLEASE! lol
Really fun game!!! LOL funny!!!!!!!
ctrl+alt+delete! That was an iHouse!
LOL funny stuff and great game LOL really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um. . .
It was good, but i could have been better. The final boss had too much health and the continue button doesn't work.
Really fun game. Awesome!!!!!!!!!
This game is awesome, but it would be cooler if the lemmings exploded coz it's kinda boring the way they just fall over!
This game is awesome, I got all the people in my school into playing it!
i got the user name "Pilp" from one of the girls in my class who was trying to insult me by writing "Philip is stupid" on the white board, but she wrote "Pilp is stiupid" by mistake and i thought "Pilp" was cool to have as a name.
Joined on 9/10/07